Most electrical problems give off a few warning signs which if noticed earlier can help prevent property damage or injuries that may result in case the problem becomes serious. It is advisable to bring in a competent electrician to handle the problem in case you notice any of these problems instead of attempting to fix it yourself. The problem might seem easy enough but then again, there might be far more complex issues lingering beneath the surface. Given how dangerous electricity is and its magnitude in a workplace environment like a factory, you’re better off merely identifying and reporting the problem.
Circuit breaker problems
The purpose of circuit breakers is to trip whenever the circuit is overloaded. By cutting off the power supply, the circuit breaker protects the wires from overheating which could result in a fire. When circuit breakers become old this tripping can happen more frequently and often needlessly. Identifying the problem will require you to plug in an appliance into another circuit and compare the two experiences. If the circuit is cut off more frequently in one circuit far more than the other then it’s advisable to bring in an electrician to fix the issue.
Hot ceiling fixtures
Take the time to assess the area around your lighting fixtures for warmth on a regular basis. A lack of insulation of most ceiling fixtures combined with excess wattage means the risk of fire is always imminent. This issue can be fixed by preventing overheating. Start by purchasing a bulb that not only matches the wattage but also emits as little heat as possible. A perfect choice in this scenario would be a light-emitting diode (LED) bulb given it releases far less heat than incandescent bulbs.
Electrical shocks
Mild electrical shocks can be experienced as mild tingles when an appliance is touched. In such a situation, the source of the problem is usually poor wiring or faulty grounding. One can also experience mild shocks from the static electricity found on carpets mostly during the winter. These mild tingles are harmless and shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Apart from these two all other forms of shock should be taken very seriously as they could be fatal or result in very serious injuries.
Flickering lights
Flickering lights might be caused by one of two problems.
- The flickering bulb might either be loosely placed or might be defective. This can be easily fixed by replacing it. In case this doesn’t work the root of the problem could be in the light fixture.
- The flickering could be caused by faulty wiring or loose wiring either in the light fixture or in the circuit breaker box. In such a scenario, it is advisable to bring in an electrician to figure out where the problem is.
When light switches and electrical outlets
A common problem for many people is switches and electrical outlets that only work intermittently. This problem could be the result of loose wiring or is an indication of a crack inside the device. Look out for any loose plugs as they could cause electrical shocks. Given the root of the problems lies within the wiring, it’s advisable to bring in an electrician who’ll figure out where the problem is and fix it.
Sparks and a burning odour
A burning odour could be indicative of a fire and one must quickly bring in an electrician. In case you notice this burning odour coming out of a switch or an outlet switch it off immediately to prevent the problem from getting worse. This odour could be the result of overloading, a wiring problem or a faulty device in the circuit. Big sparks are indicative of loose wiring and should also be handled immediately.
Being able to identify an electrical problem early can save you plenty of money in repair costs as the problem will be resolved before it gets worse. It could also prevent fires and save lives.