Do you want to get into drop shipping but still do not know which product to sell? As a good drop shipper, you must choose products that sell! Once you have read this complete article, you will quickly analyze and find products that will make the success of your e-commerce store.
Products to Avoid in Dropshipping
I think of. First, it is important to list some criteria for you to sell the best products in dropshipping. This information will help you create an e-commerce site that generates money so be attentive! I am going to assume that you are doing dropshipping with a Chinese supplier like AliExpress for example.
At first, you must avoid electronic products. Buyers often return many products in this sector because they don’t work upon receipt or after a few weeks of use.
In a second step, ban bulky items or heavy and complex items to ship. Your products may not pass the customs, and your buyer may even have to pay customs fees in addition to the purchase.
Thirdly, selling cosmetics or food on the internet is quite dangerous. If your product causes problems with your buyers (skin problems, food poisoning, etc.), it is you who will be attacked.
Finally, for the same reason as the cosmetics and food sector, I recommend you not to market wholesale products for babies and children.
Choose a Niche
Above all, if you want to succeed in dropshipping, it is essential to choose your niche to specialize! A niche market is, by definition, a highly targeted industry with a limited number of customers interested in your products and services.
Avoid creating an online drop shipping store with general products. If you have a lot of articles on your commercial site, you will complicate a lot the task at the level of your actions of communication and e-marketing.
By targeting a small population with specific products, you will find your audience more efficiently, the competition will be lower and your web marketing strategy more effective. For example, you will have less budget to invest if you advertise on Adwords and you will position yourself more easily SEO. All your efforts, whether advertising, editorial, etc., must be adapted to the specific codes of the sector. The communication of your e-commerce dropshipping site will be somehow individualized for a few thousand Internet users.
For example, you can create dropshipping e-commerce with products for gardeners. It’s a niche market. The communication that you will put up on your website or elsewhere on the web to target this audience will not be the same as if you sell baby shoes.
When choosing your products for sale in dropshipping, think about your future customers and not what you like. Of course, it’s easier to create an online store with products you love, but you have to tell yourself that your prospects will buy them and not you!
The best thing to do to find a good product for sale online is to target enthusiasts. In the rest of the article, I will share some tips to help you find the right products that work.