If you are looking for an executive position, you might possibly start with a good executive search firm. These are companies that are working with a company to fill an executive for their company. They will not stop until they found the executive to fill this career position. They have spent time with the company and now they are going to spend a lot of time with you to see if the two are a match. This type of company or team will keep working with you until you have employment that meets your level of expertise and matches you wage requirements.
Good search firm
A really good executive search firm or retained search firm focus on recruiting the leaders that a company’s human resources are looking for. With a good track record successfully recruiting and other key human capital leaders, they haveestablished a status for astute and nuanced cultural advisory work built on a podium of strong aptitudemaintained by a demanding and artful method in assessing a goodfit. They work with the company’s major stakeholders and executive staff to develop thoughtful and strategic answers around a person that they have found who might fit the position.
Their process
This process will assure you that you will getauthentic, and critical perceptionsin the market. They endeavour to offer up-to-date innovative counsel to their clients so they are able to make thoughtful, well-informed as well as confident decisions on whether you will be a fit with them as well as whether they will be a fit for you.
These type businesses work in person, as this allows for faster building of relationships and better assessments. They service companies of varying sizes, from small to large, public and private and for-profit and not-for-profit. They seek to blend the air of search with the science of assessment as well as in pursuit of their goal.
The firm
Hanold Associates is one of best in this field and are certified in the Predictive Index™ System. This adds much value to their clients during the process of recruiting by using the Predictive Index suite of products. They actually don’t stop until you or the company clients are both satisfied with the match they make for both.
If you are looking for an executive position, this is the place you should stop.