Did you now that vacuuming every day does not endanger your floor? Apparently this is a common misconception: that you risk damaging your floor every time you vacuum. The reality is that the act of Unimanix vacuuming does not put your floor at risk; at least not if you are doing it the right way! As a matter of fact, the only reason why vacuuming might damage your floor has everything to do with user error.
With that in mind, here are three very common mistakes that users make with a vacuum that might put the floor at risk:
MISTAKE #1: Insufficient Vacuuming
This is particularly true with commercial carpets but while you can’t really vacuum too much, it is entirely possible to vacuum too little. Obviously, then, if your carpet experiences quite a bit of traffic experts generally recommend that you should vacuum once a day. In more moderate places, about twice a week would probably suffice.
The frequency of vacuuming is important because dirt and dust particles can collect in the carpet fibers and can actually cut and damage the fibers. The base of these carpet fibers can make your carpet more fragile, which means it is vulnerable to uneven wear. That could result in the need to replace it sooner than you otherwise would need to.
MISTAKE #2: Improper Vacuuming
I know this sounds strange, but there is actually a right way and a wrong way to vacuum the carpet. For one, most people don’t move big pieces of furniture every time they vacuum. Indeed, it is far more convenient to simply vacuum around the couch. However, this results in uneven cleaning and uneven wear on carpet fibers. In addition, dust and other particles will collect under large pieces of furniture.
In addition, many people try to vacuum up loose objects they see on the floor. While this can work sometimes, most vacuums are not designed for this type of job; or, at the very least, you should change out the beater bar for this particular type of job.
MISTAKE #3: Improper Maintenance
For the most part, a vacuum should be easy to maintain but that does not mean everyone does it properly. It is important to empty and/or change the bags and/or filter regularly. Change the filter once every three months, at least; replace bags when they are about three-quarters (75%) full.