When people say they are ‘living the dream’, it usually doesn’t involve long hours, heavy start-up costs, staffing issues, and being in the red for the first few years. But the fact is, that’s exactly what the dream looks like at the on-set. Those willing to put in the hard work, reap the benefits of success if they can hold on long enough to realize their dream. Unless you are handed a healthy sum of money to begin a business that has everything to do with your talents and hopes, the reality is that the dream can often be riddled with sleepless nights and sometimes a nightmare or two. But, as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty…” Protecting your ideas, surrounding yourself with like-minded investors, and making a solid plan all help the road less traveled be a little less bumpy.
Protect Your Vision
You came up with a great idea and perhaps the world has never seen it. Perhaps it’s merely an answer to a problem you have been dealing with your whole life. Whatever led you to develop an idea or strive to improve on a part of life for yourself and those around you may be the very thing you use to start your business. Protect yourself and your ideas. Ensure some passerby doesn’t zero in on your unique concept and steal it right out from under you. Look into the laws that govern these devices and ensure you complete the paperwork and processes to keep your inspiration safe while you launch your dream. Consider
- Trademarks to safeguard your brand and logo
- Patents to protect your business ideas
- Non-Disclosure Agreements to defend your interests as you share your vision with investors\
Find The Money
Will you have partners, a board of investors, or will you go it alone with a small business loan? Entrepreneurship demands that you are careful about whom you choose to be your associates. Trust is a huge factor in this part of the plan. The people you take with you have to share the same dreams and goals, or the outcome could be worse than just a disagreement. The consequences of a bad partnership or the wrong loan could destroy your business even before it takes off. Set your goals plainly down on paper and get the input from all of your investors, as well as commitments before you begin this tricky relationship. Alternately, if you are going for a loan, ensure you understand the requirements of the loan and how to protect your personal interests before you commit to it.
Make The Plan
A business plan is the single most important step in the start-up process. Knowing how legislation is set up for small businesses helps you understand the guidelines and where you can take your company. Once you know what and who, it’s time to figure out how. Determining what you see as your future and how you plan to get there will be your blueprint to your successful business. Of course, you have to have a good plan in play just to apply for a loan or gain the interest of your investors. This shows what you have and what you need to accomplish your dream. Include grand ideas of the places your business could take you under the right circumstances. Leave room for change and growth. Don’t remain too rigid or you may miss an incredible opportunity if you aren’t willing to think outside the box.
Plan your dream. Pick your traveling partners and set realistic goals. Add some adventure and hope to your plan so that your new journey can take you places even you couldn’t imagine. Then buckle up for the ride of your life.