If you are planning a move to Canada and want to bring your car, make sure you are fully prepared, financially. This is not a cheap venture—and in some cases, it might make more sense to sell your existing car and buy another one after you cross the border—but paying taxes and duties is a necessary part of the import and export industry.
Yes, the international trade community considers the transport of a vehicle to be registered in a new country an act of importation. As such, the owner of that vehicle must pay various Clearit.ca duties and taxes associated with international trade law.
Here is a simple breakdown of the various duties and taxes you might have to pay:
- Goods And Services Tax (GST): a flat tax of 5% of your vehicle’s value
- Provincial Sales Tax (PST): a sales tax dependent upon the province where you register your vehicle (the rate multiplied by the value of your vehicle)
- Import Duty: 6.1% of the value of a non-NAFTA vehicle
In addition to these required duties and taxes, you must also pay a fee when you register your vehicle with the Canadian Registrar of Imported Vehicles (RIV). You must pay this standard fee of $195 (and a GST) in every province but Quebec, where the agency adds an additional provincial tax.
Some cars are not subject to this RIV fee. Exemptions include:
- vehicles listed by someone recognized as a vehicle importer with the Transport Canada agency
- new vehicles already bearing a current and valid Canadian compliance label but only after the vehicle manufacturer registers it with Transport Canada
- a vehicle that has already been registered in Canada and is returning to its country of origin by its original owner
- any vehicle more than 15 years old-fashioned]
- a schedule VII vehicle, which is used for demonstration, exhibition, evaluation, or testing or another special purpose
- a work vehicle (as defined for civil engineering, construction, or maintenance jobs and has not been built on a truck or a truck chassis)
You may also be subject to a gas guzzler tax if you own a vehicle with a higher weighted average fuel consumption rating. The tax is as follows:
- $1,000 for a rating between 13 and 14 liters per 100 kilometers
- $2,000 for a rating between 14 and 15 L/100 km
- $3,000 for a rating between 15 and 16 L/100 km
- $4,000 for a rating higher than 16 L/100 km
For registration of ITN number you can go for itn number Canada.