A fleet management system is an administrative approach to the organisation and coordination of company vehicles. The aim of this approach is to improve the efficiency of the company fleet of vehicles within their roles, reduce running costs and make sure that government and company regulations and guidelines are met.
Predominantly used for the tracking of vehicles, fleet management systems can also be used for vehicle diagnostics and tracking driver behavior – both of these things can lead to better maintained vehicles and increased road safety.
If a business is reliant on its vehicles then that business needs the right fleet management system to help ensure that their vehicles are put to use in the most effective and efficient way possible. This has a natural and positive effect on the rest of the business, whatever that business may be.
What does a fleet management system involve?
These systems make use of GPS devices so that businesses can track their fleet vehicles accurately. One of these devices are placed on each of the vehicles which allows them to be monitored from the office, or the home or even on the move via laptop, smartphone or tablet. Portability of this nature, especially for fleet management, brings a number of its own advantages.
Any size of vehicle based business can make excellent use of management systems such as these, whether they have just a couple of cars or hundreds – they don’t even need to be cars, or vans for that matter, since vehicle management systems can be used to track and monitor trucks and motorcycles too.
Because of the wide variety of needs, there are a variety of options available too that will suit all business types, sizes and cost requirements. Deciding which particular systems you need is fairly straightforward but be sure to contact us for further details should you require it, before making a final decision.
What comprises a good fleet management system?
Depending on the size and requirements of the business, the setup of a ‘good’ fleet management system can vary greatly. Generally speaking, every vehicle should have a device fitted and there should be a dedicated room or allocated space where the fleet can be tracked and monitored. While monitoring can be done remotely, on the road as it were, a control centre is recommended for day to monitoring activities.
The goal of any fleet management system is improve efficiency, lower costs and improve safety. Vehicle running costs add a lot to the expenditure column of any business, especially if there are a number of vehicles in play, so the more you can do to lower costs, safely and responsibly, the better.
Fully understanding how your fleet runs can help reduce fuel costs, reduce the number of accidents they may be involved in through enhanced driver training and can also monitor engine performance. All of these things can help to improve your bottom line.
These systems can also help to reduce vehicle insurance costs, dependant on provider, so these savings are an extra added bonus – where available – so it could also be worth checking with your provider, or even changing to one that offers discounts for managed vehicles.
Of course, the factor that will really affect your business is your customer. Being able to tell them exactly where their delivery item is, and when they can expect it – right down to the minute – is going to build brand trust and loyalty like nothing else.