Located in the heart of the Economic Community of Central African States, which includes 10 other countries: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, and Sao Tome and Principe. The Central African Republic is a real economic hub with its capital, Bangui, which is less than 2 hours by plane from all the other capitals of the subregion.
The country’s economy
The country’s economy is based on a modern sector (mining, industry and some services) and an informal sector (agriculture, livestock, fishing, gold and diamond mining) that is tending to grow. The primary sector (agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing) contributes about 53% of GDP. The secondary sector (mining and industry) accounts for 17% of GDP. Industrial activity is limited and dominated by the food, wood, textile and leather industries. The tertiary sector accounts for about 30% of GDP.
Thanks to the potential of its road and river network, the country offers an exceptional economic flow with its six (06) neighbors which are Cameroon in the west, Chad in the north, Sudan and South Sudan in the east, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo in the south. Beyond its strategic position, with a surface area of 623,000 Km2, the Central African Republic benefits from exceptional climatic conditions with, to the north, a Sahelian climate favourable for cereal crops, to the west, an intertropical climate ideal for market gardening and, to the south, an equatorial climate offering an exceptional forest density of more than 87 million m3 of exploitable species such as teak, ebony and gold wood.
Rarely in the world, for nearly 30 years in the Central African Republic, the forest has been gaining over the savannah, which considerably increases the country’s agricultural production potential, which is currently estimated at about 15 million hectares per year. This situation is the result of a volcanic soil coupled with an exceptional rainfall and a generous rate of sunshine throughout the year, which also constitutes a strong potential for energy, hydraulic and solar production.
The Central African subsoil is not to be outdone either, considered one of the richest in the world, covering nearly 500,000 km2 or almost all of its territory, it abounds in nearly 470 exceptional and rare varieties of minerals such as mercury, copper, natural gas, oil, uranium, diamonds, gold and iron, to name but a few. In its mission to revive the economic fabric, the Central African state has set itself the priority of immediately starting the industrialization of its wealth, which until now had been delayed over the last two decades by successive political and military crises.
The international community supports and is strongly committed to this process of economic revival by securing the entire territory to facilitate the movement of people and the economic flow. However, the basis of national reconstruction is carried above all by the men and women of the Central African Republic, 60% of whose strength is made up of young people full of life and ambitions for their country.
The Government is working to revitalize support mechanisms and structures aimed at encouraging and supporting investment in the Central African Republic.
Investing in the Central African Republic means benefiting :
an exceptional variety of natural resources, the advantages of a wide range of support structures, namely :
– the one-stop shop for business formalities,
– the General Directorate of the National Investment Commission for tax-customs benefits,
– the Assistance Center for Small and Medium Enterprises and Handicrafts,
– and very soon, the Centre de Gestion Agrée for the supervision of the informal sector.
Setting up in the Central African Republic means having a strategic economic vision for Africa and the world.
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