When it comes to designing labels for your products, there are many aspects that need to be taken into consideration. There’s the finish of the label, material, images, colours, and so on. But there’s yet one more aspect which needs to be carefully considered as well: the fonts. Any designer will tell you, for instance, that a font like Comic Sans is one of the worst font choices you can make. It’s already become a bit of a joke, really. But the infamous quality of Comic Sans is just one proof that the fonts you choose can – and will – make a very big difference. So what kinds of fonts can you select, and how do you choose the ideal ones? Here’s how you can effectively select the most ideal fonts for your product labels.
Understand the different kinds
First, you have to understand them. Fonts showcase personality in different ways. Imagine, for instance, the font of LIFE magazine as a cute and whimsical font with curves and curls, far removed from its thin and straight, classic font. Would people still take the magazine seriously? The thing is that fonts can project style and class, and they can be fun, serious, precise, old or young, loud, and so on. If you have a product which you consider sophisticated, would it really go well with a font that’s fun and happy-go-lucky? We think not.
Fortunately, you have two main choices when it comes to fonts, and these are Serif and Sans Serif. Serif is comprised of different sub-fonts, but they have one thing in common: they have letters which are capped with perpendicular, straight lines, making the letters look like they have feet. Serif is often a good choice because it creates a straight line which the eye can follow, and this makes Serif easier to understand and read. One example of a Serif font is Times New Roman.
Sans Serif, on the other hand, is a type of font which isn’t distinguished by ‘feet’; rather, the letters are simple and straight. Sans Serif is great for children and for people who are visually impaired, but this doesn’t mean that it should only be used for that purpose. Sans Serif is a modern-looking font, and one of the foremost examples of Sans Serif is Arial.
Ask some important questions
When choosing the fonts for your labels, you have to ask yourself some important questions. One of the main questions you should try to answer is what you are actually labelling, as experts in labelling machines like Atwell will tell you. Are you labelling a food product or a software product? Take a look at some trends in your own sector so you can have a better idea of what’s in and what’s not.
You should also consider your target audience. Who is it for? Know your target audience so you can choose fonts which help them relate to you. Also, consider your main message. Are you looking for something that is iconic, so you can have a great logo, or are you simply looking for a font to use for product instructions?
Another aspect to consider would be your brand. What is your goal in regard to how customers perceive your brand? Your fonts should adhere to your brand image. All that being said, have fun choosing, and good luck.