Out of control printing plagues most offices worldwide. Employees printing hard copies of documents even if not necessary continues to be a cause of concern. This uncontrolled use of the printer results in waste – not only in consumable ink and paper but energy as well. Offices must deal with this issue effectively or finances will suffer. Here are 5 tips that can help address out of control printing issues in offices.
- Setup printing guidelines
Setting-up printing guidelines is a move in the right direction. But must be coupled with sanctions imposed on erring employees who defy the memo. Once totally implemented, it will result in a lot of savings in the office. Savings will be observed in less paper used; less frequent replacement of printer consumables; lower office energy billing; and significantly reduced office waste. These are cost saving measures devised to benefit not only the office but the environment as well.
- Encourage cloud saving of files
Electronic data storage has now replaced bulky filing cabinets. Some offices even use cloud saving files for additional digital data storage. It is now easier to retrieve files direct from an office data base and cloud storage. So, with this system on hand employees must be urged to read retrieved documents on the computer or laptop monitors instead of a hard copy. Reserve printing of hard copies only on important documents. Particularly those documents intended to be shared with clients.
- Use flash drive storage devices.
To support the desire to control printing frequency in offices further, flash drives and other storage devices arenecessary. Employees can store retrieved documents into the flash drive and access files directly into computer monitors. Offices must cultivate an employee mindset that files must be read on the monitor and printing hard copy should be the last option. A no print mindset policy must be strictly enforced to reduce printing activities significantly. In as much as flash drives are much cheaper compared to printing, the office can supply the device free.
- Outsource bulk printing jobs
Large bulk printing must not be printed in-house. Outsourcing should be a better option. This is necessary because in-house printing is much more complicated and expensive. In cases where printing of documents is over a thousand copies, the house printer will not be sophisticated enough to go through the ordeal.Besides, most offices do not have the spare personnel obligated to do in-house printing only. The in-house printer will only be effective on minor print jobs.
- Consider non-OEM for in-house printing
Even under restriction there will always be in-house printing jobs. Although the frequency is dulled, printing could still waste ink resources. Once the toner cartridge is empty, consider reusing or recycling. Where to buy toner for laser printers is no longer a problem to worry about since the market is awash with supplies.
Remember that out of control printing in offices can be dealt with decisively. It takes proper management as shown in the tips above on how to reduce printing frequency in offices. However, no amount of office rules, guidelines and memo can be successful unless everybody cooperates. Employee cooperation is crucial in all office control set-ups, not just the printing activity.