IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service helps you get your employer identification number quickly and easily by reducing the process, which usually takes 45 minutes or more, to an easy-to-finish application. Simply choose your entity type, answer a few questions and pay the one-time fee of $185. If you submit your application before 3:00 p.m. PST, you’ll receive your EIN in an email the same day. If you submit it later in the day, you’ll receive your EIN the next business day.
Refund Policy
If your application flags as an IRS Reference 101 error, IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service will send you information about which steps to take to fix the problem and process the application. Additionally, the company will refund your money, less a $10 processing fee. Although you will see an email about the refund, you may not see the money on your credit card for several days.
IRS Reference 101
A reference 101 error simply means the IRS feels there is conflicting information in your application. Most often, this happens because you chose a business name that looks very close to another company’s name. Usually, the two businesses are in two separate parts of the country and know nothing about each other. You can still obtain your IRS state tax ID after following the steps to fix the error.
Importance of an EIN
Employer identification numbers are required for many types of businesses or for anyone who wants to hire an employee. Even if the IRS doesn’t require you to have one, it is still a good idea. EINs allow you to do many things for your business, such as open business lines of credit, create company bank accounts and much more.
If you have questions about obtaining your EIN, IRS EIN Tax ID Filing Service can answer them and help you start the application process. Simple contact the IRS-EIN-Tax-ID company for more information.
Checking out online for all such details is always a wise idea in order to gain useful knowledge and then go ahead in the safe manner. No matter what type of information you are looking for related to EIN, you can always search online and get the best help. Just make sure you look for reliable and reputed sites in order to get the correct information so that you do not find yourself in trouble later on.