“In wine there is truth” said by a Roman philosopher more than 2000 years ago still holds true. Wine dates back to the start of mankind with all its truth in many archaeological findings. Wine from grapes has a history of glorifying the spirit of mankind.
- Old is Gold:
Vintage wines are wines which are older. The more they are aged the more they are valued. Scientific reasons and benefits could be many, but it also amplifies the significance of learning and experiencing the value of life with age.
- Talk of wine world:
Treasure Vintage shop started a restaurant in Belgium had the vision of starting a wine business. They did not stop there. With the growing technology in the world, they wanted to auction wine online. This move made this small restaurant the talk of the wine world now.
- Wine for all:
The precise care and concern in choosing the vintage wines and auctioning it online are done with utmost sincerity by Treasure Vintage Shop. They also auction all kinds of wines of different qualities and prices. This makes even common people around the world celebrate life and its offerings and success with joy.
- Payment gateway:
Treasure Vintage Shop has a safe and easy way for payments and shipments of wines auctioned online. This helped online wine auctions done by Treasure Vintage Shop hit the roof in recent years
Since the payments for auctioning wines are done online, extreme caution and care should be taken for the clandestine safety of these financial transactions. Understanding this principle obligation, Treasure Vintage Shop has recently tied up with UAP.
- Block Chain Payment security:
UAP or the United Auction Program is a blockchain platform. The financial transactions in blockchain platforms are far secure and latent than the regular currency transactions. Treasure Vintage Shop is the only online wine auctioneers to have blockchain financial safety.
Hence anyone across the world without any kind of qualm can rejoice with the best quality of wine for happiness and success.