If you are in a business there are varied needs like that of book-keeping, H.R functions, payroll, biz consultancy, accounting etc., to hire the right employees for your business needs you often take help of a recruitment agency and the list goes on and on and on. Finding a one-stop solution for your varied needs is always a boon.
For any company performing Corporate Secretarial Services, it is a big headache and if they find a trusted third party who can do it for them, it is always preferred. ACHI which is a Corporate Hallmark of International Biz Services is one such entity that provides the complete set of services that are normally required by any company.
They take care of preparation and filing of the annual returns; processing of the share transfers and allotments, preparation of share certificate, preparation and maintenance of statutory registers, preparation of resolutions etc. They basically take care of all the secretarial services that are required in a corporate including the answering of personalized telephone and providing personalized fax facility.
If you are a Singaporean or a permanent resident of the country, you can rely on them for recruiting you properly as per your caliber. They also provide all the necessary help when it comes to Immigration Services including the SC (Singapore Citizenship) and the SPR (Singapore Permanent Residence).
They are conversant in the language of businesses. All you need to do is to give them your requirements and they provide you with the best of the services for the same.
You can trust them with all your business needs. Like for example if you hire their services for human resource functions, they will take care of everything. It includes things like formulating the Key Employment Terms to issuing the Itemized Pay Slip, taking care of Central Provident Fund, Skills Development Levy, Foreign Worker Levy, Annual Tax Declaration for Employees and much more. As an organization, you are free of all human resource related functions as they are competent enough to take care of it efficiently.
Such services if available are always a helpful for organizations and businesses. As they take care of things on a daily basis, they often make use of the latest tools available in the market and have the best teams that have expertise and skill to make things happen seamlessly and efficiently.
ACRA UEN: 201415822C & ACRA RFA: FA20143418
MOM EA Lic. No.: 18C9185 & MOM EAP Regn. No.: R1874406
T: (+65) 69048665, F: (+65) 69048664 & M: (+65) 91097753
Email: biz@achibiz.com
Website: www.achibiz.com