We all need to eat to live, but for many of us, it also seems like we live to eat. Restaurants are exciting for diners because they introduce us to a whole new way of tasting, seeing and experiencing food.
If you are a food lover or have a savvy business mind, you may have been toying with the idea of opening your own bistro, bar or eatery.
If that is the case, but you still don’t know if you should make the jump, read on for five reasons to open your dream restaurant.
1. You see a need in your local market.
One of the main reasons that restaurants thrive is because their owners saw a gaping hole in the market. Perhaps your neighborhood doesn’t have any (or many) options for the cuisine that you and your ancestors grew up eating. Maybe there is a food trend that you see happening around the country (or the world) that hasn’t yet made its presence known in your city.
On the other hand, maybe your style of a restaurant does exist in your locale, but you know you can do it better.
Whatever the reason, if you see a need or a demand in your area for a particular type of eatery, then this is a serious reason to consider opening your dream restaurant.
2. You are passionate about food.
Most people have a dream of building a career that combines their passion and a viable way to support themselves. If you are one such person who has food on the brain, no matter the time of day, then opening a restaurant may be your calling.
Passion is often a vital ingredient for success (mainly because you are going to have to dedicate a significant part of your life to get the project up and running), so if your first love has always been food, then you are in an excellent place to begin.
3. You are a people-person.
For a restaurant to be successful, it needs to be a place that attracts new diners, as well as being a place that customers return to. If you are a people-person who is intent on ensuring that all clientele have a memorable experience, then you may be the perfect person to open a restaurant.
If you are unsure about how successful restaurants can gain repeat clientele, then perhaps you should look into acquiring some experience in the restaurant industry before you dive in. You want to know how these eating establishments work before you look into running your own.
4. You have a business mind.
Running a restaurant is about more than just the food; it needs to be run like a business as well. If you are considering opening a restaurant, you need to be honest with yourself regarding your ability and experience in creating a profitable, long-lasting business.
If you aren’t a very confident decision maker or don’t do well on a team, then it may not be the career for you. If you have no interest in areas such as human resources and bookkeeping and aren’t willing to research questions such as how to secure a liquor license in Florida (or wherever your restaurant will be located), then opening a restaurant may not be the best option for your life and personality.
5. You want to be your own boss.
In 2018, many people dream of being their own boss and of having the ability to call their own shots and make their own hours. They want to work for themselves on building a dream career, rather than spending long hours building someone else’s dream.
If this sounds like you, then you may be wondering what business you can start in order to become your own boss — opening your dream restaurant may be the answer.
Now, it is important to note that when you open your own business, you will most likely end up working far more hours and a lot harder than you ever did in a previous career. Any startup requires hard work and someone who can deal with the constant challenges.
However, most people who embark on this type of journey don’t mind this increase in work and drive because they are passionate about what they are investing their time and talents in.
Opening a restaurant is different from any other kind of career, as the industry is cut-throat and stressful (to say the least). It can be an overwhelming path to walk down, especially when the responsibilities seem so cumbersome and unique. Who knew that there were so many kinds of Florida liquor licenses and things of that nature, for starters?
But, there are plenty of resources for you to learn from and mentors that can help you with the tried and tested strategies for success.
Have you ever considered opening your own restaurant? What is holding you back? What makes you second-guess your ambitions? Let us know in the comments below!
Richard Bantock is the President of Liquor License Consultants, Inc. (formerly known as The Liquor License Guy) which specializes in the purchasing and selling of Florida liquor licenses. For 20 years, he successfully operated liquor store, nightclub, bar and restaurant companies, gaining first-hand knowledge of business planning, financial negotiations and the liquor licensing process. Liquor License Consultants, Inc. reflects his insight and expertise.