Digital marketing is essential for any business, regardless of its size. Some small businesses may be concerned that their tight budget will make a successful digital marketing campaign impossible, or at least difficult to manage. However, digital marketing can be an extremely cost-effective way of getting the word out about your business and building an engaged customer base. You may not be able to pour a huge amount of cash into your strategy, but there are certain strategies you should definitely start using if you want to make a splash online without breaking the bank.
- Only pay for ads that work for you. Pay per click advertising is a great way to boost your business’s digital marketing campaign without spending a fortune. You only pay for the ads that receive clicks, so the benefits of getting the ad out there often far outweigh the costs. This strategy can be particularly beneficial if your business is in a fairly niche market, allowing you to grab clicks from less popular keywords. There are specialist ppc services australia that can help manage your campaign to ensure you get the best results from your investment.
- Make the most of your Facebook page. Even the smallest businesses these days have a Facebook page, but most aren’t utilising the platform properly. Facebook provides a great solution for businesses wanting to create a digital marketing campaign without a massive budget, but it does require you to invest a reasonable amount of research and time to get your audience’s attention. Focus on quality content when it comes to social media marketing, and encourage engagement on a daily basis.
- Play around with infographics. The best way to ensure that your business goes viral is to create content that’s easy on the eye and encourages your audience to click and share. Infographics are great for this purpose – people tend to respond more positively to them than they do to text-based content, and they provide valuable information that your customer will instantly want to share with their friends and family. If you have a graphic designer on call at your business then creating infographics will be a solid use of their time, but even those without professional training can create their own infographics
- Give your old content a new twist. If you can’t afford to hire new content producers, you can easily take old content that your business has used in the past and give it a quick freshen up. Re-write old blog posts or re-post ‘evergreen’ content to social media to generate new clicks for your website, or take content and transform it into a video, infographic, or e-book. You’ll save time and money without sacrificing regular, engaging content.
- Blog frequently. Running a blog from your business’s website can be done at a minimal cost, particularly if you take on the task of writing the blog posts yourself. The key to a successful blog post is in the usefulness of the content itself. Focus on who your target audience is, and write with them in mind at all times. Write articles that provide useful solutions to problems they may encounter in their daily lives, and keep the style readable and fresh to encourage them to keep scrolling.