There are over 31 million small businesses in the United States of America. These small businesses are the lifeblood of the country, providing jobs, innovation, and caring for communities.
The vast majority of these businesses will have their own company website, however, not all of these websites will have their own dedicated server. There are lots of companies out there that can provide your business with a hosted server, but perhaps it’s time to think about making the switch to handling your own server hosting.
Still unsure? Don’t worry, here are some of the great benefits of giving your company website its own dedicated server.
- Exclusivity
It’s your business website, why should you have to share your server with others? With a dedicated server, you don’t have to.
You’ll have a server all to yourself which will improve your user experience and help your website perform better. Cloud servers are not used because of their efficiency, they’re used for enhanced storage. If that’s not something you need, then a dedicated server is the right way to go.
- Cost-Effectiveness
Website design can be an expensive thing, so why not cut down on costs. The initial outlay may seem expensive, but a dedicated server is actually the most cost-effective solution in the long term.
This is because when you make the switch to a dedicated server, you’ll have a dedicated server provider who can handle all aspects of installation and maintenance for you, so you won’t have to shell out every time something goes wrong.
If you want to learn more, follow this link.
- Faster Loading Times
Customers are coming to your website to look at your services or buy your products, they don’t want to wait. If your website has loading times of more than three seconds, you could be losing customers.
A dedicated server ensures that your website will have rapid loading times. You’ll never keep a customer looking at a blank page and waiting for your website to load.
- Better Security
If your website is on a cloud server, that means it shares data from multiple sources, and you won’t be the only one logging on to it.
When you have a dedicated server, you’re the only one using it, and so the risks of a potential security breach are minimized to within your organization. Your dedicated server provider will also provide you with regular security updates.
Your Company Website Deserves a Dedicated Server
Your business is your pride and joy, and your company website is how you showcase that to the world. Why take the chance of having a slow loading, unsafe website that might not work all the time? Get yourself a dedicated server and sit back comfortably in the knowledge that you’ve got a website to be proud of.
Are you looking for more business tips? Are you unsure of anything else regarding your company website? You’re in the right place. Stick around and take a look at more of our helpful content today.